

  1. 我们的节目

    We offer our preparatory (pre-1A) 英语 students the same kind of 阅读, writing and critical thinking experiences we offer our transfer-level (英语 1A, 4, 7) students, 但是需要更多的脚手架和支持.

    我们专注于创造在课堂之外产生共鸣的意义. 学生 and instructors build meaning reciprocally by 阅读, writing and thinking critically 韦德1946复杂的文本和思想,将它们与生活经验联系起来.

  2. 核心信念


    提高阅读能力的学生往往也会提高写作能力,反之亦然. 阅读 should be 集成d with writing, speaking and listening at all levels of our 英语 课程.

    An active 阅读 style is critical to improving 阅读 comprehension and more effective 在帮助学生掌握思想和意义方面比“逐字阅读”要好.“我们必须积极地 引导学生在课堂上批判性地阅读指定的文本. 教学阅读 includes guiding students in understanding what they are 阅读, how they should 读它,和作者的目的.

    At every level, instructors should cultivate effective 阅读 strategies that students 能在不同的学术环境中使用.

    There are many creative ways of bringing a text to life for students, beyond the literal 阅读. 想象力是批判性阅读和批判性思维的重要组成部分.

    Book-length works, fiction or non-fiction, must be included at all levels of our curriculum, 包括1a预科课程.

    It is critical to build bridges between class texts and our students' lives, and give them access to worlds beyond their own; the texts we choose should therefore be inclusive 不同的世界观、经历和观点. 我们也知道学生是 当他们看到自己在他们所读的文本和作者中得到反映时,他们就会获得力量.


    学生 learn to express their ideas best by sustaining and supporting complete arguments. We do not believe in the hierarchal model whereby students "work up" from words, to 句子,段落,文章.

    Understanding the relationship between structure and meaning is essential to good 写作,阅读和批判性思维.

    学生应该把学习写作作为一个过程. 作为教师,我们以指导服务学生 them through a series of writing stages to encompass brainstorming, pre-writing, drafting, 修改、编辑和自我评价.

    与其在课堂上专注于独立的语法练习,我们应该 address sentence-level errors in the context of our students' own writing, and with 目标是让他们成为独立的作家和校对员.

    Writing assignments based exclusively on personal reflection do not sufficiently challenge 培养学生批判性思维. 基于课堂文本的作业服务于我们的学生 通过培养学术阅读和写作技能更好.


    A "pass/no pass" pre-1A curriculum affords students the time and practice necessary to develop 阅读, writing, critical thinking and academic skills without the additional 期末成绩的压力. 达到1A水平可能涉及不止一个 semester for many students, and a student who doesn't pass may still have made considerable progress.

    Readiness for 英语 1A signifies that a student is able to summarize, analyze, evaluate, 并以连贯的论文形式对他们所读到的内容进行学术回应.


    An instructor can meet the needs of students in many different ways, and we support 持续研究新的教学方法. 我们重视自我反思和反应 在不断变化的世界中不断改进教学的教学实践.

    我们的课程可以帮助在学生的意识和知识之间架起桥梁 学术界的需求,即使我们揭开学术文化的神秘面纱.

    We teach broad-based foundational skills in 阅读 and writing for academic success, complemented by the work of colleagues across campus who teach 阅读, writing and 在各自学科背景下的批判性思维. 同时, we teach skills and approaches to literature (drama, fiction, poetry, non-fiction 叙述)是我们的学科所独有的.

    As instructors, we support students not only in skill-building and critical thinking, 还可以帮助他们应对学习中的情感因素.

    A liberal arts education can open doors to students in many ways; effective communication 批判性思维技能对民主和公民参与至关重要.


    我们的学生丰富多彩的生活经历让我们受益匪浅. 我们支持他们提出 their knowledge and experience into our classroom community and into their writing.

    学生, particularly at the developmental level, face real world challenges that 是否会影响或阻碍他们的学习,我们必须解决这些问题 在我们的教学实践中充满同情心.

    Our students will develop more significantly as readers and writers when we come from 他们有能力从事复杂和精密工作的职位.

    当课程主题、课文和教学内容清晰时,教师最有效,学生学得最好 课堂材料激发兴趣和激情.

  3. 在实践中

    所有级别的英语课程(pre-1A和transfer level)将:
    1. 创建以下设置 集成 阅读, writing, critical thinking, speaking, and listening, fostering the building 的社区. 活动可能包括学生演讲(单独或小组/小组); small- and large-group discussions in which students speak not only to the instructor but to each other; student/teacher conferences; and interviews in the class or community. Such settings may be created on-line as well as face-to-face, and may utilize technology 支持学生学习. 我们也鼓励包括记笔记在内的倾听技巧 和反馈/响应.
    2. Directly address students' 阅读 practices, model effective 阅读 strategies, 指导学生发展自己的策略.g. 课前阅读、注释...), 并充分利用课堂时间进行阅读.
    3. Include book-length works, fiction or non-fiction, defined as any work that sustains 主题,包括一个作者的短篇文集. 我们选择的文本应该 be inclusive 不同的世界观、经历和观点, and we suggest that 工作(s)被整合到课程的主题.

      At the pre-1A level, we recommend that non-fiction be used; that if fiction or autobiographical works are assigned, they be analyzed for issues and themes connected to other 阅读s in the course rather than for literary aspects; that a combination of book-length 作品和短文被用来提供多种模式.
    4. Help students to identify organizational patterns when they read, and to structure 他们自己的写作来传达特定目的和受众的意思.
    5. 把重点放在学术论文上. 随着学生在我们课程中的进步,他们写作和 revise essays of increasing length and complexity, as well as engage in less formal 写作练习. 正式的文章不应该以个人反思为特权,而是要求 学生批判性地回应或分析课堂文本.
    6. Address sentence-level errors in the context of the students' own writing, and with 目标是使学生成为独立的作家和校对员.
    7. 强调批判性思维. 批判性思维是意义的创造,而且是 not limited to concepts of formal logic, but includes grouping items/seeing patterns, drawing inferences, evaluating for purpose, synthesis, argumentation, differentiating fact from opinion, asking questions, evaluating for standards of fairness and accuracy, 质疑自己的观点及其来源,并做出判断.
    8. Increase students' familiarity with and knowledge of the academic culture, themselves 作为学习者,和两者的关系. 一些想法包括:合作 teaching and learning; using materials reflecting successful college experiences; acknowledging and validating the students' experiences while introducing them to academic culture and values; creating links between classroom learning and the library and learning support on campus; and experiential learning (learning by doing).